Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let's Raise the Roof

We had another great day of work on the building.  The roof is on and all we have left for today is the shingles and caulking around all the seams so that it is leakproof. 

We will also be going to the "Commons" to pass out free stuff, share Jesus, and invite people to tonight's block party. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thoughts of the week so far...

I have been posting mainly pictures so far because I wanted parents especially to see what their students are doing and feel closer to us while we are working and serving.  But this morning I want to take a minute and share what I see the Lord doing.

I knew when we left Lenoir that we had a bunch of students who were really fired up about serving the Lord.  I knew that the camp experience and other mission trips had them looking for new ways to honor God.  What I didn't know was how much that was going to be evident this week.  Sometimes when we have those experiences, over time they seem to fade because it is a feeling and not a life change.  What I am seeing is a life change.

Our work yesterday was the first evidence of that.  We worked at the church from 9:00am until about 5:30pm.  Not once did any of the adults have to ask one student to stay focused on the task or to stop messing around.  They were all right there willing and ready to do whatever, whenever we asked them.  The ladies worked with the Baby Boutique and Food Pantry and had some eye-opening conversations with the people of Worcester.  I have heard from many of them that they want to begin the same type ministries at home because there are people in Lenoir who need the same things.  They are seeing how much people need the Lord and how much we can do if we just stop being content with life as usual.  The men spent the day working on the shed to be built.  The guys worked non-stop from the first hole that needed to be dug to separating the 5000 parts from the pack that was sent.  Their diligence paid off with getting the walls put up yesterday.  It was an awesome day of work.

The second evidence has been our times of worship and devotion at night.  We are having a great time of giving back the praise to the Lord and reflecting on how His Word is moving our hearts to service.  The whole group is sharing their experiences and how God is opening their eyes to how we need to be genuine in our faith and our actions.  We read Matt. 7:24-27 yesterday for morning devotions and discussed how vital it is to make the Rock our strong foundation and how doing so sets our feet firmly for when strife comes.  It prepares us for anything this world may bring to us. 

The most moving evidence to me happened at about 10:30 last night as I was cleaning up from our devotion time and heading to bed.  I walked past the den area to find all of our students on their knees, hand in hand, praying together.  I stopped for a moment to allow myself to take in the picture and I am misty-eyed even this morning as I write about it.  We didn't ask them to do that.  I admit, I was so tired that I was heading to bed, but they wanted one more time to seek His face before they went to bed.  It was a humbling experience. 

You parents have some amazing kids, and I am blessed to be able to be among them this week.